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Nov. 26th, 2021|12:36 pm

P.S. Nice explanation of this abstract is here:

Answer "are vaccines also contributing to a rise in all-cause mortality?" is interesting and most probably very complex to be answered properly - for that you have to eliminate a lot of factors, incl. changes in delta vs beta variants, asymptomatic covid cases, etc. So more studies due in next few years.

Regarding lockdowns - at some moments they simply are inevitable - when hospitals are full and extra deaths start to accumulate because of lack of accessibility to medical care. We may not like them, we may talk about "negative effects of restrictions/lockdowns" in terms of economics, children schooling, mental health, etc. but public opinion at some moment requires governments to do something and they do something. I don't like them either, but I can see how being angry and falling into conspiracies is not really helpful/productive. Complex systems are complex and always messy. When you have worked in big company you how seen stupidity in all shapes and colors without need to falling into conspiracy shit.

P.S. I don't buy "other researchers are about to do (but are afraid to publish)" arguments. There is always someone who is afraid and there is always someone who is not.

P.P.S. I don't read/watch formica's links either (as some other hardly biased cibiņi).
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