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Nov. 15th, 2021|10:44 pm

comprehension's a tough cookie. takes at least three to tango. it's even got two prefixes, ay? is that even legal these days? kopsapratne, would it be in the local pidgin?
i once worked as a sanit-ārs at a cancer ward, and one night after seeing a few of my recent acquaintances off to the morgue, i went out with still living friends, and we imbibed such much of the fire-water that even our young bodies couldn't bicycle ourselves uphill to the dorms, so with the last unpromilled drops of sanity we decided to wait for the first 5:48 subway, we subwayed all the way to the effing up and down we went on bikes save me who crashed in the first 90° turnabout. for 20 odd years i had an ~cubic centimetre of royal Norwegian asphalt/gravel in the palm of my hand. last year the bursa finally burst. it's a trip to see how little pieces of shit surface in most unexpected places of my earthly space-suit before getting expelled. expunged. exiled to the lavatory of a young democracy, if there is even a far cry of the notion.
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