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May. 10th, 2021|02:00 pm

upd, situācija vienā valsts laboratorijā ir šādi: the second test (of retested high Ct-values positives is positive in 70-80% of cases.

That's an approx 25% chance of a FP after one test.

They redo it again before sending out the results, so by my reckoning there is a 25% of 25% chance of a high Ct-value FP getting through both checks, which is 6,25% - which is a massive number.

Maybe it is less than 25% of 25%, but we would only know that if they did three tests (so there might be a 90% chance of a positive test on the third retest of a positive high-Ct test). I don't have that info.

Still, based on this I believe that Ct-thresholds clearly have hugely important significance.

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