Palindromes |
[Apr. 20th, 2021|10:45 pm] |
Comments: |
"Close inspection shows that the historical evidence argues firmly for the mythical, expressive beginnings of the palindrorne as a language form, for the magic squares which conceal the name of a deity, the reĀ current verses from the Torah, and the traditional words of the Hebraic God to Moses appear to be the earliest use put to the palindrome by its first poets, tasks which are both mystically and mythically expressive of certain cosmological relationships. Only later do the rarefied and purely magical, instrumental uses of the recurrent verse appear in magic squares intended as protective charms and elsewhere as spells, incantations, oracular consultations and divinations of supernatural powers."
I note Gove and Van Tamm have been off to Israel to discuss their experience with vaccine passports. | |