Conspiracy Theorists 1 The Rest 0 |
Apr. 1st, 2021|05:30 pm |
Pavļuts arī informēja, ka pēc Lieldienām Veselības ministrija nāks klajā ar priekšlikumiem, kādas priekšrocības un ko drīkst darīt cilvēki, kuriem ir pabeigta vakcinācija pret Covid-19.
Savukārt Slimību profilakses un kontroles centra epidemiologs Jurijs Perevoščikovs savukārt uz ministru jautājumiem par vakcinēto cilvēku iespēju pārnesāt vīrusu skaidroja, ka pašlaik “tas ir atklāts jautājums”.
Tony Blair nesēn:
"I think you will get to the stage where it's going to be very hard for people to do a lot of normal life unless they can prove their vaccination status"
These vaccines are newly developed (approved for emergency use only?). We don't know the long-term effects. Adverse reactions and deaths (on the UK MHRA Yellow Card Scheme) don't get a mention on the BBC etc. They don't apparently stop you from spreading the virus. A virus that has not caused any increase in deaths for most age groups (see tables in my previous posts).
Get jabbed with it or you live with the consequences. Small price to pay for living without restrictions. It's like buying a ticket to travel to Ventspils, or getting your sanitārā grāmatiņa to work in the catering industry.
There is no difference.
Next up, cashless society: won't be long, I predict. If they stuck a thermometer up our collective arse, they'd see we were ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution. |