Mar. 10th, 2021|10:15 am |
Paldies par S - liela skaista gudra meitene - dievs zin kā :)
I am happy all the scientists have been able to predict the new mutations, and I fully understand that we will need to continue living under rolling restrictions (piedod ka rakstu angliski - ļoti aizņemts šodien) and maybe lockdowns for as long there are no more vuruses (or something). Personally, I have work, so I really don't give a shit. Sometimes I look at my kids, and when they are down about it, I feel a sadness, but - fuck it. It is what it is.
I look forward to receiving more instructions on how to live from the experts. I am 100% sure there is no funny business going on, and those that do are probably paranoid with no science background. The collapse of lage parts of the private sector is irrelevant to me as a lot of those jobs were, frankly, stupid and unnecessary - as are the people who do - or did them.
I also have no problem with the idea of having newly invented vaccines injected into me in order to get a passport and be able to fully engage with society. Natural immunity is just for whackos and homeopaths and idiots like that who prey on ignorance and have no knowledge of the human body. Mask up! Disinfect and stay inside! That is the only medical advice I am listening to.
As for the 'massive debt'... well that is the sort of thing economists worry about, and we all know how boring they are! |