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Jan. 26th, 2021|01:34 pm

'Ka instrukcijas dos roboti, kas būs nesalīdzināmi spējīgāki par mums?
Tas ir viens no modeļiem.'

I don't think it will be so simple. It is more likely, I think, that the programming will be carried out by an elite group of humans who wish to organise us in an orderly way convenient for themselves. I see this happening with the Internet of Things, the accompanying surveillance states, UBI, and digital central bank money. All controlled for our own health and convenience. Big data will fuel the powers of AI, and we will be unable to live within the matrix it maintains with much autonomy.

In short, AI will be used by this class to keep us in order (tagged and bagged) - at least for a while. Maybe, it (AI) will take on the elite class a little later (maybe it already has?).
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