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Jan. 13th, 2021|05:10 pm

But how many of those academics align themselves with the politics of that foundation? I guess the vast majority were just glad there was some organised attempt at putting out a different approach to the problem.

I'm not going to automatically accuse orthodox experts of being onboard with some Great Reset technocratic revolution - although I think it might appeal to some, rather I have noticed that those who 'come out', have a harder time than those who stay in. That's basically my point. If a Latvian academic with a PHD were to publicly focus on the lack of excess mortality in the 15-64 age group, then I think it might be unpleasant for them: that's it, really.

Re Fact Checkers, I really would be less sceptical if they turned their attention to the orthodox view with as much vim and vigour.
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