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[Nov. 25th, 2020|10:20 am]
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Date:November 27th, 2020 - 10:28 am
"Vai šis citāts no tava linka būtu nepareizāks, ja sociālismu aizstātu ar moderno kapitālismu? Nedomāju vis."

I agree with you, more or less, about this. Of course, you have more opportunity to do what you want (and be an entrepreneur) in a free-market economy. It's just not necessarily correct to conflate 'free market' with modern-day capitalism, with its monopolistic tendencies and utterly corrupted money system.

As for the brave new world outlined by Klaus and his chums: this socialist utopia, in which we own nothing but will be happy' is to be organised by the most powerful corporate forces on the planet... which makes me sceptical about the decimation of small and medium-sized businees being carried out presently. I mean how in 10 years or so were we to get to the state where we own nothing?