brookings - March 5th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 5th, 2018

Viss kartībā [Mar. 5th, 2018|12:49 pm]
1) You need to be careful drawing conclusions about the place of your birth through information gleaned through a certain prism of the internet

So/but on my visit to England, I can relate that

a) on exiting Anglia Square, I was aware of a Halal butchers opposite (Had it been there before? Memory withers on the vine of disinterest);
b) on the local news a labour politician was urging a group of young Muslim women to vote (you know who for);
c) the leading news story was the attack on Muslims in Myanmar. The BBC reporter referred to 'Buddhist mobs';
d) an Army recruitment advert showed a group of British soldiers waiting for their brother-in-arms to finish his Islamic prayers.

Over dinner, I asked my brother what he thought of all of this.
He told me to stop asking leading questions.
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