brookings - January 7th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 7th, 2013

uzmanīgi [Jan. 7th, 2013|04:11 pm]
Kad lasīju diskusiju starp Jim un Kirkegors, atcerējos vienu sarunu, kas man bija ar vienu labsirdīgu celtnieku pirms dažiem menešiem: we were off to pick up some paroc from a dubious source and as he was just back from the UK, the conversation turned to politics and his view that the govt. is doing nothing here in Latvia and it's almost impossible for the average person with kids to make ends meet. 

Tie, kas mani pazīst, sapratīs, ka nezaudēju laiku stāstīt to, ko es domāju par bankām un to lomu šinī bedīgā situācījā, un lai gan viņš bija ļoti runīgs džeks, viņš paklusēja un kļuva domīgs. Later, when we were offloading the van, he found a quiet moment to say... "Jā, John, daži cilvēki domā, ka Hitleram bija pareizi".

Soz for the English, but I should be very busy, you see.
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