brookings - August 5th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 5th, 2011

[Aug. 5th, 2011|12:49 pm]
Supply and Demand
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Mans kapteins [Aug. 5th, 2011|04:35 pm]
I have just put on observatory crest (this calms me down, and calms my daughter down too), and the wind caresses my eyelids..
"Bēt Jonny, kāpēc tu joprojam nesaprotu musu kulturu?" muzikants man prasīja.
"Ai" es atbildēju.
 But what's to understand? Būtu jāstāv jūsu vietā, lai saprastu muziku, uz ko Jūs dejojat.
 I'm better off standing here, somewhere near my view point
observatory crest
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