brookings - November 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 5th, 2008

Nē, to es ne zināju [Nov. 5th, 2008|05:50 pm]
Mana miļa sieva paspēja dabūt savu izglītību padomju laikos. Savukārt, es esmu anglis vulgaris. Tātad man bieži nakas dzirdēt no savas sievas lupas:
-A, tu to ne zināji!?-
Lai dzirdētu šos vardus retāk, šodien lasīju par Platos cosmogony autobusā, un zini(et), atklāju tādas pērles: proti:

The mortal soul is subject to terrible and irresistable affections – first of all, pleasure, the greatest incitement to evil; then pain, which deters from good; also rashness and fear, two foolish counsellors, anger hard to be appeased, and hope easily led astray; these they (the gods) migled with irrational sense and with all-daring love according to necessary laws, and so framed men.

Vot, trāpīts! Šo izdrukāšu un likšu pie ledusskāpja, un katru reizi kāds kludesies vai taisis ziepes, viniem bus tikai jārād(a) uz to ar pirkstu, un viss (gandriz viss) tiks piedots/a/i/as (forgiven).
Nuu, tur, zināmā merā ir brivība (gandriz).
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Un Vēl! [Nov. 5th, 2008|06:02 pm]
- the purpose of the intestines is to prevent gluttony by keeping food in –
Pareizi! Īpaši, kad tie intestini nestrādā, kā vajag. Es pašlaik ciešu no aizcietējuma – tris dienas kopš es nu labi… Es baigi uzmanīgi ēdu tagad.
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Diskutējams Jautājums [Nov. 5th, 2008|06:05 pm]
[music |The Lazy Cowgirls - who are the mystery girls?]


-Cowardly or unrighteous men will, in the next life, be women. Innocent light-minded men, who think that astronomy can be learnt by looking at the stars without knowledge of mathematics, will become birds; those who have no philosophy will become wild land-animals; the very stupidest will become fishes.-
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