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The indoctrination is complete [Nov. 28th, 2016|03:39 pm]
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Date:November 29th, 2016 - 11:33 am
It is interesting to note how being a US liberal (or UK liberal now) seems to be more of a social thing (self identification as being educated, more intelligent and so on - see reactions to Brexit and Trump), and those who are exposed to other ideas which threaten the foundations of that group's worldview become terrified of being shunned from that group - witness the last paragraph:

"I haven’t yet told my wife that this happened, and I honestly don’t know how to. I need to apologise for what I said and tell her that I certainly don’t believe it. It is going to be a tough conversation and I’m not looking forward to it. I didn’t think this could happen to me. But it did and it will haunt me for a long time to come."