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relax - enjoy yourself [Jun. 10th, 2016|12:21 pm]
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izklausās skarbi, bet piekrītu paziņas domām par 'to': proti, tur ir talka, bet daži negrib iet tur stradāt un, lai attaisnotos viņi maksā kadām citām ierasties un nest to atbildību.

as a father, I want to add that such is the fashion for being childless as a lifestyle choice (I was doing the numbers of friends in England and Latvia, and the number of kids per person was barely 1 - let alone 1.8, which I gather is the minimum required to sustain a population), that if there is a chance of losing your fertility as a result of donation (see LV experts), I'd be glad if it were more difficult for my daughters to run this risk (of donating while childless) if or while they were in the thrall of this selfish (for that is what it is) zeitgeist.
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Date:June 10th, 2016 - 01:22 pm
the minimum required to sustain a population is at least 2.2 kids per person.
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Date:June 10th, 2016 - 01:32 pm
well there you go - that 1.8 was in the short-term, I guess.
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Date:June 10th, 2016 - 01:39 pm
ah, i think my english and my logic went somewhere down - that 2.2 number was per woman (for keeping same population) so 1.8 per person sounds reasonable.
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Date:June 10th, 2016 - 01:42 pm
I'm going to have to look this up properly :)