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Notes on a scandal [Sep. 21st, 2015|03:52 pm]
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Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative on international migration, was also surprised at how central and eastern European countries were undermining some of the EU’s key values so soon after joining its membership. “It’s amazing that this is the reaction of central and eastern Europe to the whole concept of solidarity, having only just joined,” Sutherland said. [guardian]

Sutherland, also chairman of Goldman Sachs International and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, stated in a 2012 interview that “the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine” any “sense of our homogeneity and difference from others”. [wikipedia]

Gribu piebiilst, ka man (puika no laukiem) bija svaigs un intersants laiks 1992, kad dziivoju multi-cultural Hackney, Londonā. Bet, although it pains me to say it, if you had shown a group of sympathetic liberal brits (of whom I was one) back in the late eighties the London of 2015, then I'm not sure we wouldn't have been a little surprised/ maybe even shocked. Sure, the UK is more or less big enough to look after itself, but a tiny population like Latvia should be able to tell Mr Sutherland in an understandable manner why he shouldn't be surprised.
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