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Nov. 13th, 2014|03:37 pm

Wellll... yes. What are the options?

Really, the amount of people who are both fit and ready to do any serious job in government is shockingly small.

I would take a risk for minister of economics to be connected to economic establishment (which is by itself not a crime), if he has an education in economics (hah) any day over, say, an actor whose pretensions are limited to insulting everybody else publicly (cf. Artuss Kaimiņš).

In this particular case of the Citadele bank, it is very hard to distinguish between rubbish and information as well. The official information does not include any waft of wrongdoing. The unofficial is subject to influence by all kinds of groups, part of whom might well be interested in bank further remaining in state ownership.

Yes, we can speculate, but, if we do, I believe, we should speculate much much more than just whether Pavļuts is a cats-paw for an American professor. We should speculate on behalf of all interest groups, but to do that we need at least some conclusive information: should (in the interests of the nation) Citadele be sold or should it not?
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