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[May. 5th, 2013|09:26 pm]
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"If true, that would leave us living in an era of undisguised, real-world conspiracy, in which the prices of currencies, commodities like gold and silver, even interest rates and the value of money itself, can be and may already have been dictated from above. And those who are doing it can get away with it. Forget the Illuminati – this is the real thing, and it's no secret. You can stare right at it, anytime you want."

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Date:May 5th, 2013 - 09:52 pm

no komentāriem

John R.
Whatever they are doing they are doing it right and are interested in a good outcome .So let's just hope they don't get disturbed at what they are doing so we all don't end up broke.
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newmendowe John R • 21 hours ago −
John - how can you say they're doing it right when in a $1.3quadrillion global market, there are more than 4 billion people who own and control less than $0? If that's doing it right I'd hate to see a fucked up, manipulated economy that creates no value or wealth for the majority of its participants.
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Date:May 5th, 2013 - 10:21 pm

Re: no komentāriem

Wherever you look, it's a question of control - here, too at State level - an independent central bank and adoption of a currency controlled elsewhere means no control of monetary policy. Fiscal pacts means less and less control of fiscal policy. All to make states more acceptable to markets already clearly rigged by shhhhhhh!

People who delight in being considered rational don't, you understand, talk about the most powerful structure on Earth - By the way, I've been reading some academic papers in a collection "Political Economy of Monetary institutions" - Fxxxing hilarious assumptions by the academic class that in an effort to see and hear no evil, see nothing 'political' in those doing the rigging at all - no wonder they didn't see it coming (I remember Vjaceslavs Dombrovsksis saying to me pre-crisis "I don't know what you are worried - basically it will be OK". And so it has been for his lot, the result being more and more control - just wait for the cashless society.
Date:May 5th, 2013 - 10:57 pm

Re: no komentāriem

And still, I just need to verify for myself - are these numbers ("in a $1.3quadrillion global market, there are more than 4 billion people who own and control less than $0") true?
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Date:May 6th, 2013 - 12:03 pm

Re: no komentāriem

par to apgalvojumu, es nezinu - bet kad busi to verificeejis, dodiet zinju :)
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Date:May 6th, 2013 - 08:34 am
Njā, spēcīgs gabals..