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Date:5. Novembris 2012 - 23:51

Re: Lai gūt kādu priekšstatu, salīdzināsim ar citu tā laika lielvalsti

jā, Krievijas piemērs varbūt ir krietni virs vidējā, bet:

One measurement of health in early modern England is revealed in the statistics of the number of deaths kept by church parishes. From these records historians have gleaned that infant mortality (death during the first year of life) was approximately 140 out of 1000 live births. The average mother had 7-8 live births over 15 years. Unidentifiable fevers, and the following list of diseases, killed perhaps 30% of England's children before the age of 15 – the bloody flux (dysentery), scarlatina (scarlet fever), whooping cough, influenza, smallpox, and pneumonia.
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