(bez virsraksta)
Aug. 18., 2021 | 04:24 pm
No:: _zirgs
Ezss mums šo reiz skaidroja: “Bizarrely, adult wasps cannot digest the food they catch because their gut is so constricted by their thin “wasp waists”. Instead the workers chew up the prey and feed it to the larvae. In return the larvae produce a sugar rich spit that the workers can drink.
Social wasps only really become a nuisance in late summer. At this time there are no larvae left to feed so instead of hunting for prey the workers turn their attention to sugar (nectar and your picnic).”
Social wasps only really become a nuisance in late summer. At this time there are no larvae left to feed so instead of hunting for prey the workers turn their attention to sugar (nectar and your picnic).”