Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs -

19. Jul 2014


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Cyclist Maarten de Jonge from the Dutch Oldenzaal, who rides with a Malaysian team, escaped two air crashes in less than six months time.

De Jonge would fly to Malaysia today, but opted at the last minute for a KLM flight. Who left later, but was cheaper.

The cyclist has luck on his side, because on March 8, De Jonge escaped with flight MH370 Malaysia Airlines.

(1 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:19. Jūlijs 2014 - 15:01
In an incomprehensible twist of fate, a Queensland woman who lost her brother in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 discovered on Friday that her stepdaughter was on the plane shot down over Ukraine.
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