Prof. Biezpientaures pētījumu centrs - Iniciatīva ir sodāma

10. Dec 2009

19:03 - Iniciatīva ir sodāma

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"A few year ago I complained to the local police authority about a reduction of police activity in the village where I live. Three days later my wife was stopped, read her rights, booked and given a producer (had to attend a police station) in a very aggressive manner, our kids were present and were terrified

By sheer coincidence the car was registered in my name, I regret not complaining now"

ASV kādreiz tika daudzināta kā brīva valsts.

(2 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:11. Decembris 2009 - 01:34
HAHAHA!!! Big Blazer iz wachin;P
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Date:11. Decembris 2009 - 12:27
Big Bra
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