The cat leads a double life. In the home it is an overgrown kitten gazing up at its human owners. Out on the tiles it is fully adult, its own boss, a free-living wild creature [..]. This switch from tame pet to wild animal and then back again is fascinating to watch. Any cat-owner who has accidentally come across their pet cat out-of-doors, whten it is deeply involved in some feline soap opera of sex and violence, will know what I mean. One instant the animal is totally wrapped up in an intense drama of courtship or status. Then out of the corner of its eye it spots its human owner watching the proceedings. There is a schizoid moment of double involvement, a hesitation, and the animal runs across, rubs against its owner's leg and becomes the house-kitten once more. // Cat Watching, by Desmond Morris. p.s. ja nu kādam derdz citāti, steidziet atfrendot -- izskatās, ka šī grāmata pa lappusei vien nonāks manā cibā. Turpmāk: "Why does a cat chatter its teeth when it sees a bird through a window", "Why does the female scream during the mating act" un "Can cats predict earthquakes".