Pilnmēness nogurdinātie

About Jaunākais

reminiscences4. Mar 2012 @ 16:48
- Поможем, - заверил я, сильно тоскуя.
Он поднялся на цыпочки и вытянул тонкую шею.
- Так я могу надеяться?
- Ну конечно. Человек человеку...
- Вашу руку, сударь! - воскликнул поручик.
Пришлось дать. Ладонь у него была теплая и влажная. Он долго тряс. Тыльной стороной вытер слезу - которой не было. Сказал взволнованно:
- Благородство, его ничем не скроешь. Мне бы носки, сударь, и я - ваш вечный должник!

qotd5. Aug 2011 @ 11:43
Basil, my dear boy, puts everything that is charming in him into his work. The consequence is that he has nothing left for life but his prejudices, his principles, and his common sense. The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating. The worse their rhymes are, the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write.
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