Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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10. Septembris 2008 - 12:55
Es uzgūgloju kaut kādus pētījumus par "glass ceiling". Lūk, ASV ir bijusi pat tāda Federal Glass Ceiling Commision, un te no tās veiktā pētījuma (tas gan ir 1996. gads, bet nedomāju, ka pa 12 gadiem kas daudz ir mainījies):

The fact-finding report that the Commission is now releasing confirms the enduring aptness of the “glass ceiling” metaphor. At the highest levels of business, there is indeed a barrier only rarely penetrated by women or persons of color. Consider: 97% of the senior managers of Fortune 1000 industrial and Fortune 500 companies are white; 95 to 97% are male. In Fortune 2000 industrial and service companies, 5% of senior managers are women—and of that 5%, virtually all are white. The research also indicates that where there are women and minorities in high places, their compensation is lower. For example, African American men with professional degrees earn 79% of the amount earned by white males who hold the same degrees and are in the same job categories. One study found that, more than a decade after they had graduated from the Stanford University of Business School, men were eight times more likely to be CEOs than women.

Fortune 1000 un Fortune 500 ir divi pēc ienākumiem lielāko ASV uzņēmumu saraksti.
CEO - chief executive officer
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