Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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16. Marts 2017 - 12:44
bet par vienmērību, it īpaši perfektu es nedomāju, gribēju tikai pateikt, ka tiek izmantotas vairāk dažādu muskuļu grupas, nekā, teiksim, skrienot.

This fast action also does wonders for the human body, as it provides a vigorous cardiovascular workout that makes the sport even more appealing. A badminton match consists of highly concentrated action that includes running, jumping, twisting, stretching, striking, and diving. Badminton is, according to the Department of Physical Education at Baylor University, “one of the finest conditioning game activities available” (Andrews). During a typical match, the player will strike the shuttle about 400 times during the 20 minutes of actual game-play. Around 150 of these strokes are full arm swings, much like the motions that pitchers use during a game of baseball, which efficiently works the upper-body. The athlete also runs more than one mile during a typical match, completing a full body workout. When compared to tennis, badminton players compete for half of the time, yet run twice as far and hit twice as many shots as tennis players (Andrews).
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