Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - MP Sings

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Previous Entry MP Sings4. Jun 2006 @ 12:22 Next Entry
Šorīt visu laiku pa galvu maisījās, līdzkamēr nolēmu atrast tomēr tekstu. NB. Pārbaudīts: Pie sevis dziedot šo dziesmiņu ir iespējams nokārtot autoskolas teoriju bez kļūdām.

Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me
I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too
I love to hear you ORALIZE
When I'm between your thighs
You blow me away

Sit on my face and let my lips embrace you
I'll sit on your face and THEN I'LL LOVE YOU TRULY
Life can be fine if we both sixty-nine
IF WE sit on our faces in all sorts of places and play
'Till we're blown away
A few years back, this 45-second-long ditty by Monty Python (MP3 download) garnered a $25,000 fine from the FCC, despite the fact that that the worst language in it is the phrase "Sit On My Face."

WFMU's mp3

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