Diezgan labs stendaps:
Almost all of us [are] addicts. Not injecting heroin as such.
We need to redefine what addiction is. I like to define addiction not in terms of the substance you're taking, in other words, "I am a heroin addict", "I am a cocaine addict", no.
Addiction is basically any pattern of behaviour whereby you cannot stand to be by yourself and certain of the more uncomfortable thoughts, and, more importantly, emotions, that come from being on your own.
And so therefore you can be addicted to anything so long as it keeps you away from yourself.
And most of us are addicts. And thanks to all sorts of technologies and distractions, we can have a good life where we almost certainly be guaranteed not to spend any time with ourselves.
And this is a disaster for your capacity to have a relationship with another person.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EvvPZFdjyk |