Hehe, kad pāvests izlaiž savu oficiālo apustulisko aicinājumu, ASV konservatīvo radio viņu nosauc par marksistu.
Savukārt populārais liberastu perēklis Salons irgojas, ka šis nāk brīdī, kad, piemēram, amīšu bīskapiem dienaskārtībā nabadzība nav vispār:Again and again, by virtue of his tone and contextual aim, Francis wins over many (including much of the mainstream press). Even non-believers and the disaffected have taken notice. But while much of his popularity can be attributed to his populist charm, there also seems to be an element of surprise in the public’s reaction to his papacy, as if the pope’s simple, Christ-like message of love and inclusion has come as a shock to the system – as something new, unexpected.
Why? Take a look at the agenda items addressed earlier last month by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at their annual meeting in Baltimore. The bishops of the richest, most powerful and increasingly unequal nation in the world, convening in a city wracked by generational poverty, talked about pornography, they discussed contraception and gay marriage, and addressed questions of minor liturgical importance. Poverty was not on the agenda. |