Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - 24. Aprīlis 2009

About 24. Aprīlis 2009

* * *00:42
Next year in Jerusalem!

Speculum obscura09:29
From some distant point to the rear I heard Random sohuting, "B-twelve! B-twelve! And out!"
… And then I couldn't recall what the problem had been. It seemeed a wonderful place. Silly of me to have mistaken the mushrooms for umbrellas, though …

I put my own foot up on the rail as the Hatter poured me a drink and topped off Luke's. Luke gestured to his left and the March Hare got a refill, too. Humpty was fine, balanced there near the end of things. Tweeedledum, Tweedledee, and the Dodo and the Frog Footman kept the music moving. And the Catterpillar just kept puffing away.

Luke clapped me on the shoulder, and there was something I wanted to remember, but it kept slipping out of the sight.

"I'm okay now," Luke said. "Everything's okay."

"No, there's something. … I can't recall … ."

He raised his tankard, clanked it against my own. "Enjoy!" he said. "Life is a cabaret, old chum!"

The cat on the stool beside me just kept grinning.

New blood on the block12:21
Saņemot e-pastu ar subject: "You did it, we have proof focus on the last" drusku satrūkos, bet atkal izrādījās spams, šoreiz par Vīriešu vitamīniem.

Tēmas maiņa14:22
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... tālāk ... )

Atkal ne tas!15:03
Esmu noracis savus talantus...

О, да вы - филолог.
image Вы мастер каламбура и генератор мемовирусов. В зависимости от настроения, вы можете быть душой компании, а можете язвить и быть ядовитей самой ядовитой змеи. С вашими талантами вам бы идти в политику или книжки писать. Проблема только в том, что вам лень. Впрочем, сами-то вы не считаете это проблемой, и сама ваша лень - это ваша свобода и ваш кукиш этому прагматичному миру.
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