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Sep. 15th, 2021 | 09:06 am

Tas gadÄ«jums, kad kavers gandrÄ«z necik neatgādina oriÄ£inālu un ir pat labāks par to, jebÅ”u oriÄ£ināls arÄ« nav slikts. (Video drÄ«kst neskatÄ«ties, bet Ingmāram varētu patikt.)


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Ever After

from: [info]bauda
date: Sep. 15th, 2021 - 01:47 pm

Having been ostracized by both her relatives and partially by society, orphaned Japanese high school student Chise Hatori decides to sell herself at an auction in order for somebody else to take her in and have a new place to call home. At the auction in London, she is sold for five million pounds to Elias Ainsworth, a seven-foot-tall humanoid with an animal skull for a head. The magus, who seems closer to a demon than human, either brings her the light she desperately seeks or drowns her in ever deeper shadows in her new country, Great Britain.

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