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Jul. 12th, 2021 | 12:24 pm

Esmu morāli sagatavojies nākamajam anonīmajam Krišjāņa Lāča komentāram un draudiem, ka "laikam tomēr būšot jāmaina tās domas par mani"

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from: virinātājs (parasti krišjānis)
date: Jul. 12th, 2021 - 12:58 pm

Cik žēl.


Lietotājam, kurš saka, ka konservi nesaprot mūsdienas.

from: virinātājs (parasti krišjānis)
date: Jul. 12th, 2021 - 01:09 pm


"Almost 70 years later and the moral culture of the United Kingdom has become largely unrecognisable to what it once was. Some simple statistics bare out the radical changes in British society. 

In 1952, only 4.8 per cent of babies were born outside marriage. The figure is now 46.8 per cent. In 1952 divorce was rare, affecting only 33,922 couples. In 2019 there were 107, 599 divorces. The increase in divorces between 2018 to 2019 was the largest such increase in 50 years.  Rather than trying to reclaim a healthy marriage culture, and during a period of coronavirus restrictions where marriage ceremonies themselves were banned, Parliament introduced no fault divorce laws making obtaining a divorce easier than ever.

In 1967, when abortion was legalised, there had been 21, 400 abortions performed. In 2016, despite the cultural mainstreaming of contraception, 208, 553 abortions were performed, nearly 10 times the amount from 1967. Things are getting worse and not better. 2019 saw the greatest number of abortions ever performed in England and Wales. Since the decriminalisation of abortion in 1967, more than 9 million children have been aborted making a mother’s womb the most dangerous place to be a child in the United Kingdom. The government has gone so far as to introduce “do it yourself” home abortions which require no in-person consultation with medical professionals. They have also forced abortion liberalisation on Northern Ireland. 

To once again put the common good above personal desires, we need to recognise that current theories have led us astray

Family stability has not fared much better. According to the United Kingdom’s Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, there were 102, 000 looked after children in the UK. The number of children taken into care has risen every year since 2010 and more than 10 per cent in the last 5 years alone.

Cases of gender confusion in children have also reached the level of a public health crisis. According to official NHS statistics, in 2009, the year before the Equality Act 2010 became law and gender identity belief was taught in schools, there were only 97 children referred to gender identity clinics. Last year alone, that number was 2519 children. Statistically, these children self-harm and attempt suicide at an exponentially higher rate than other children their age.

The United Kingdom has also seen a startling number of high-profile cases where courts have ordered the starvation and dehydration of people to death in the name of “compassion”. The world watched with bated breath in the spring of 2018 as the parents of Alfie Evans sought to remove their 2-year-old child to an Italian hospital for alternative care after a court ordered that his ventilation, hydration and feeding be stopped. Despite the intervention of the Pope and the Italian government granting baby Alfie citizenship, police guarded Alfie’s hospital door to ensure that no one was able to take actions to prolong his life."

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Ever After

Re: Lietotājam, kurš saka, ka konservi nesaprot mūsdienas.

from: [info]bauda
date: Jul. 12th, 2021 - 01:14 pm

Esi sajaucis adresātus, es rakstīju "neprot", nevis "nesaprot". Tik simptomātiski.

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Re: Lietotājam, kurš saka, ka konservi nesaprot mūsdienas.

from: virinātājs (parasti krišjānis)
date: Jul. 12th, 2021 - 01:15 pm

Cinisks, lai neteiktu atklāti nihilistisks komentārs.

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