/**\ mūldēšana, ibio... baj veganblackgayjewfeministiclyatheisticantifa -
February 1st, 2011
02:41 am


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While eating one's own placenta doesn't really pose any serious health risks, with the exception of spoilage, eating someone else's placenta can be a hazard to your health. In today's world of illness transmitted by blood like Hepatitis, HIV and AIDS to name a few, you must know that these are potentially carried through the placenta as it is full of blood.

How to Cook Placenta

There are many ways to cook the placenta. How people choose to eat it varies greatly. Some choose to use dishes that would normally contain beef or liver, using the placenta to replace the meat. This might include a stew, a lasagna or even patties.

These types of recipes assumed you will prepare the placenta as the meat. This may mean you will ground or tenderize the placenta. Some choose to cube it. However you cook it, be sure to remove the membranes and umbilical cord first. Some recommend that you do not use the fetal side of the placenta.

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Date:February 1st, 2011 - 09:43 am
beidz blenzt slimas doķenes!
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Date:February 1st, 2011 - 01:36 pm
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