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01:04 am
[Link] | On Jewish tombstones you will sometimes see a symbol showing two
hands arranged for the Priestly Blessing. This is
a symbol of the Kohen or Cohen (Hebrew for priest). The plural form is
Kohanim or Cohanim. Kohanim are assumed to be direct male descendants
of Aaron, who was the first Kohen and the brother of Moses. Some Jewish
surnames frequently associated with this symbol are Conn or Cohn
(Kohn), Cahn (Kahn), and Cohen (Kohen), but you will find the symbol on
the grave markers of people with other surnames. Today families can
sometimes verify a priestly lineage from the tombstones of ancestors
that have this symbol.

And yes, Star Trek fans… You’ve probably noticed the similarity
between this symbol and the Vulcan hand greeting (”live long and
prosper”) used in the TV show and movies. This was suggested by actor
Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), who saw the Priestly Blessing in a synagogue
when he was a child. He modified it as Vulcans use only one hand.
+ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohen