[info]her_crow wrote
on August 19th, 2008 at 01:24 pm

hm. there are those moments when girls think that baby could be such a cute thing... like feelings of baby food in hair and stuff.

but somehow i think that the cake is fake... in fact I dont understand how people can tolerate babies AT ALL. like, how can they find it pleasant to have that little crying thing that just eats and shits? after a while it grows up, ceases to cry and shit, but then you have to pay INSANE AMOUNTS OF MONEY to send it to school, dress it up, buy food and entertainment for it... and while doing so you must sacrifice all your own wants and needs, just to make it right for the child. in the end it becomes an ungrateful prick who hates you for being protective, and listens to nothing you say, even though you are absolutely right.

people must be masochists I guess. entire human population is based on masochism. yep!

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