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Friday, June 12th, 2015
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11:14a |
But if, even after doing this, the womb-entrance is not closed and you are about to enter a womb, then it should be closed by the instruction on the unreal and illusory nature of everything. Meditate in this way: "Alas! The father and mother, the great storm, the whirlwind, the thunder, the terrifying projections and all these apparent phenomena are illusory in their real nature. However they appear, they are not real. And substances are false and untrue. They are like mirage, they are not permanent, they are not changeless. What is the use of desire? What is the use of fear? It is regarding the non-existent as existent. All these are projections of my mind, and since the mind itself is illusory and nonexistent from the beginning, from where externally do they arise like this?"
Tibetan Book of the Dead, tr. F. Fremantle, Ch. Trungpa, pie beigām | 3:44p |
interesanti, ka dativus ethicus (kas norāda, ka persona datīvā ir īpaši ieinteresēta personā vai lietā, par kuru tiek runāts), ļoti izplatīts senajās IE valodās (sengrieķu, latīņu), citās ir gandrīz pilnībā izzudis piem., angliski: cry me a river (parasti ironiski), citu lietotu piemēru nevaru atrast bet Šekspīrā vēl bija daudz ("knock me at this gate")
savukārt latvieši bez ētiskā datīva nevar noturēt nevienu dialogu: "tu man te nemuldi", "suns man te visu piemīzis", "viņš man šodien sāka celties kājās!", "es taču viņam visu jau nokārtoju", utt. |