Canary in the Coal Mine - Day

Thursday, March 15, 2018

11:42AM - Porziņģis. Squat, bench, deadlift bro.

"Nemaz nesatraucos, jo ticu, ka es laukumā atgriezīšos labāks un spēcīgāks. Ja tam vajadzēja notikt, labāk, lai tas notiek tagad, jo es varēšu atlikušos mēnešus šosezon un visu starpsezonu strādāt pie sava ķermeņa," Porziņģis teica žurnālistiem 13. martā, kad pirmo reizi pēc traumas gūšanas apmeklēja "Knicks" spēli. "Izmantošu iespēju, lai kļūtu lielāks un spēcīgāks. Es nezinu, cik mēneši man būs nepieciešami, bet es tos mēģināšu izmantot pēc iespējas efektīvāk. Gribu atgriezties laukumā kā labāks spēlētājs."

Patiešām labs nodoms, jo:

"Many NBA players are introduced to strength training once they're in the league. By then, it’s almost too late.

However, the fact that these naturally strong NBA players don’t take up on serious strength training is the reason we see so many ACL and MCL tears in the NBA. Their bodies can’t handle the wear and tear. The impact and stress an 82 game season has on the lower body can’t be described in words. Many NBA players aren’t physically prepared for the beating their body is set to take in a season and overtime their muscles get beat to death, that’s when you see injuries.

Had these players been in the weight room, or even with their bodyweight performed some serious strength training, they would be able to not only survive the 82 game season, but dominate it. It’s pretty scary when an NBA player tells me they never started lifting weights till they got to the league. I know they’ll suffer one injury and it’ll have a domino effect."

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1:19PM - Viens cilvēks cietumā

"As a result of the fraudulent Parex bailout, billions of dollars have been stolen from Russian, Ukrainian, Latvian, and Moldovan people every year since then and still continuing now in 2018. Only one person is in prison, and he was one of the protestors. The crooks who are stealing the money are all free."

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