June 2012

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skatos true blood
un čurāju biksītēs
pagaidām no priekiem


hmm link?
blya, sajaucu ar otru ierakstu.
go dumb!
abet linka šeit nebūs
dabū torrentos
In addition to Sookie and Bill, we have Sookie's brother, Jason, a nice looking guy who can't quite keep himself out of trouble, along with Sookie's best friend since kindergarten, an attractive black girl with the unlikely name of Tara. I like her, but it wouldn't hurt to tone Tara's rough edges down just a tad. She has almost too much of a chip on her shoulder. Tara has a thing for Jason, but it doesn't look like he's ever going to even notice her.
(no imdb comentiem)

Tu šito seriālu domā? Izklausās kaut kas really cheesy. pie tam vampīri, oh god i fuckin hate vampires.
jaja, ir īstais.
man jau ļoti patīk.
dzeltenā prese kura mētājas apkārt
ar uzrakstiem ka andželīna ir
adoptējusi mazu vampīrēnu un tamlīdzīgi