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[09 Aug 2004|10:30am]
[ music | The Cure - cut here (acoustic) ]

Esmu iegriezusies atkal uz brīdi Rīgā. Visu šo laiku tupēju savā vasaras fazendā pie jūras. Nedarīju neko. Šodien man jasakravā mantas nometnei. Būs japievienojās [info]wensdy . Ieradīšos dienu vēlāk un došos prom arī vienu dienu ātrāk. Būtu es zinājusi, ka treneris ir pilnīgi pārliecināts, ka es nebūšu, vispār nekur netaisītos braukt.

Un visprār man gribās kādu pasākumu. Respektīvi, šis bija mājiens

[info]ulvs .


P.S. Mani suņi tikko nokoda kārtējo kaķi. Slepkavas. Jauki.

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[09 Aug 2004|10:05pm]
PASSIONATE LOVER. You love to love, always looking
for a relationship. You cannot live without it.
Your lover must be passionate and you want
that you and your partner melt into each other.
He/She should not try to take the domination .
You dont want a relationship without passion,
and the sexuality plays a big part. The first
moment you meet him/her is one of the most
important. There has to be something between
you , you cannot explain. From the first moment
on everything must fix. But when this passion
disappears you disappear to. For you it is
better to leave than to see your love

PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always
message me or tell me how I can improve that
quiz. Ill sure write back.

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla
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