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Posted on 2010.03.04 at 06:51
Current Music: My Mind Playin' Tricks On Me-Kottonmouth Kings-Hidden Stash, Vol. 2 : The Kream of the Krop
šorīt pamodos ar šito dziesmu galvā un nevaru saprast kādēļ, jo parasti pamostos dungodams kautko no VAC:

"assimilate the night
they cut into your brain
they crack apart the skull
and stick the wires in
the computer releationship
a flame into the flesh
a cut into the brain
a cut runs in your face
you can't believe your head
you can't believe your eyes
nobody can escape
the futile assesment
the futile assesment
oh, futile
we're futile
you're futile
futile religion
futile expression
your futile aggression
a futile obsession
oh, futile assasination
you'll faulter
your generation
your immoral futile assimilation

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