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Posted on 2009.02.21 at 21:44
apmēram pirms mēneša dažādu sakritību rezultātā tiku pie šābrīža situācijai atbilstošas lasāmvielas: "The Stock Exchange" starp 1894-1896 gadiem Maximilian Weber sarakstītā grāmata.

Man diezgan labi patīk lasīt kā cilvēki uz lietām skatījās bišķi vairāk kā pirms gadsimta, jo īstenībā jau nekas nav mainījies - pamatprincipi tie paši tikai mūsdienu autori ir daudz komerciālāki, tādēļ manā skatījumā, ne tik informējoši.

nedaudz anotācijas:
"Weber in his research on the stock exchanged concentrated on two subjects.

First, he showed that commercialization could help create or destroy cultural values, sometimes doing both at the same time - it had destroyed the values of patriarchalism, but created the opportunities for farm workers. The stock exchange has aided the expansion of trade and calculability of business transactions, but at the same time it created new ways for speculative abuse.

Second, Weber showed that economic conduct was merged with ideas used in pursuing economic interests, and those ideas have to be viewed separately."

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