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Sep. 3rd, 2003

09:57 am

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Date:September 3rd, 2003 - 12:39 pm

Jaabuut labi!

Man shovakar tas 'prieks' veel priekshaa :))

interesanti: shogad kkaa itin nemaz negribaas.. eh
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Date:September 3rd, 2003 - 12:48 pm

Re: Jaabuut labi!

Jaaiztur tikai 10 nedeeljas. 2 paies, kameer viss ieskriesies, paareejais taapat nenormaalaa tempaa aiznesiisies. Tikai jaaljaujas un jaameegjina neizkrist no ratiem.
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Date:September 4th, 2003 - 01:03 pm

Re: Jaabuut labi!

Nja. Skrienošā jaunatne.
Run like hell. Tik nez uz kurieni.
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Date:September 4th, 2003 - 01:15 pm

Re: Jaabuut labi!

Straight to the hell. Yap.
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