Phase 5: recovery.

Posted on 2008.12.14 at 22:36
Kāpēc man vienmēr vajag sailgoties pēc viņa un kad viņš man atraksta, tā vietā lai ignorētu es atbildu. Satiekamies. Samīļojamies, pavadām kopā vairākas dienas un šo dienu beigās man no viņa nāk vēmiens, es vairs necienu pati sevi, man gribās nejust vispār. Tad kādu laiku es viņu ignorēju un viss sākās no sākuma.

How to get rid of a girlfriend in 64 easy steps.
Phase 1: build up
Get yourself a girlfriend. Be together for a while. Now youre going to be together forever. Think youre going to be together forever.Assume youre going to be together forever. Start to wonder if you really are going to be together forever. Star having sex a lot less often. Wonder if youre drifting apart. Have an argument about her parents. Have an argument about your parents. Have no idea who's she speaking to on a phone. Notice that other girls have been looking you over. Start complaining to your friends a lot. Have an argument about your job, have an argument about your clothes. Have an arguments about valentines day. Have an argument about the frying pan. Break up.


[info]zefiirs at 2008-12-14 22:53 (||||)
ar kuru gan?
E.S. ?
[info]jul at 2008-12-14 23:49 (||||)
cheer up - nav jau tik traki. tas ir tāpat kā ar alkoholu - piedzerties nav forši, atmest pavisam nevar īsti, tāpēc dažreiz vajag iedzert, bet laicīgi apstāties. :D
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