Posted on 2023.09.05 at 12:58
Pirms pāris dienām redzēju mistisku sapni.

Es peldēju lielā ezerā un pamanīju netālu no sevis tādu kā čūsku nedaudz pavīdam virs ūdens. Satraukta es izpeldēju krastā, minēju kas tā varētu būt - čūska, nīlzirgs? Staigāju gar krastu mēģinot to vēlreiz ieraudzīt, un tas bija milzīgs ūdens pūķis, ar zvīņām, ragiem uz muguras, kas lēnām līkločus peldēja tieši zem ūdens. Tad es pacēlos virs ūdens un redzēju to pilnā garumā un izskatā no augšas.

Pamostoties nezinu kāpēc uzreiz iedomājos par savu aizgājušo Omi Ņinu.

Pūķis bija mierīgs, cēls, man bija bail no nezināmā, bet reizē arī māca ziņkāre.

Pirms šī sapņa manā apzinātajā prātā nebija tāda jēdziena kā ūdens pūķis. Protams uzreiz meklēju attēlus un informāciju par to kā šāds fantāziju tēls izskatītos un pūķis manā sapnī izskatījās tieši tāds kā internetā atrastajos attēlos.

Sapņu tulka skaidrojums:

Swimming with a Water Dragon in a dream can be an exhilarating and awe-inspiring experience. This scenario could suggest a sense of comfort and ease with the unknown or mysterious forces in your life. Water Dragons are typically associated with strength and power, but they are also known for their fluid and agile movements. Swimming with a Water Dragon may imply that you are in sync with your own inner strength and that you are navigating your environment with ease and grace.

On a deeper level, swimming with a Water Dragon may also be a sign of personal growth and transformation. Just as the Water Dragon adapts to its environment, you may be learning to adapt to changes in your life. You may be discovering new strengths and abilities that you didn’t know you had. This dream scenario could be a message to keep pushing forward and to trust the journey of personal growth and evolution.

If you feel a sense of fear or unease while swimming with the Water Dragon, it may suggest that you are struggling to find your place in a situation or are unsure of how to proceed. Here, the Water Dragon may represent the powerful and perhaps intimidating forces at play in your life. This dream scenario could be a call to confront and overcome your fears, and trust in your own innate abilities to navigate tough situations.

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