Posted on 2010.10.21 at 16:43
Līga R. neatbild uz manām izmisīgajām vēstulēm draugos, tādēļ es turpinu sēdēt viena zeķubiksēs, dzert ķiršu kagoru, lasīt FLM un smieties balsī! Kaimiņi noteikti domā, ka esmu jukusi. Pati arī vairs neesmu īsti droša.

Today, for my boyfriend's 19th birthday, I decided to dress up as a sexy cat girl for him, complete with ears, tail, matching sexy underwear, collar and leash. He wouldn't stop laughing.

Today, I'm cleaning my dorm room. I asked my roommate for "that machine that cleans the carpet," not knowing the proper English word for it. He tells me what it's called and that the guys in the next room have one. They had cute girls over, so I casually went by and said, "Hey guys, can I borrow your dildo?"

Today, I saw my boyfriend shaving his pubic hair before we had sex. This would be fine, except he was saying "Nom nom nom, I eat cock hairs" to his electric razor.


e. kukū.
[info]meerijpopins at 2010-10-21 17:55 (||||)
pēdējais vnk :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
[info]putraimi at 2010-10-22 00:50 (||||)
regulāri izmantoju šo lapu, lai nejustos tik slikti par sevi.
[info]apelsiins_ at 2010-10-31 22:09 (||||)
Fuck Life My?

Man gan skjiet, ka Fuck My Life. Taatad FML.
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