Posted on 2008.04.15 at 16:56
Noskaņa: ņak.
Mūzika: Blink 182
Šodien bija čillīgi sēdēt uz mana pirmā stāva balkoniņa, lēnām smēķēt, dzert šņabi ar citronu no šotu glāzītēm un runāt par dzīvi.
Visu dienu spīdēja saulīte un mums stundas notika tikai līdz 10:45.

Jūtos kā marta runcis. :D
negribas šodien iet neuzkādu dejošanu un spāņu valodu.
Gribas drīzāk braukt uz Spāniju!!! :P

[16:53:51] Lex. says: wtf did he told you man.?
[16:53:52] Lex. says: :D
[16:58:25] dzintis riekstins says: he said that he'll call me when he'll be ready.. ;)
[16:58:31] Lex. says: :D
[16:58:36] Lex. says: that means - never.
[16:58:36] Lex. says: :D
[16:58:53] dzintis riekstins says: no, taht means after some time
[16:58:56] dzintis riekstins says: :D
[16:59:11] Lex. says: My dog better than yours
[16:59:15] Lex. says: (sun)
[16:59:44] dzintis riekstins says: no listen to hyperactive hause flower like
[17:00:01] Lex. says: :P
[17:00:08] Lex. says: take your H2O pipe with you man
[17:00:25] dzintis riekstins says: hmmm it's quite dirty
[17:00:32] Lex. says: dirrrty....
[17:00:33] Lex. says: :D
[17:00:37] dzintis riekstins says: jup ;)
[17:00:43] Lex. says: clean it!
[17:00:53] Lex. says: (emo)
[17:01:01] dzintis riekstins says: yeah right!! :D

šīš, Im going kreizī!

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