
It's a very recreational time for me. I feel I have educated myself up to the level where I know who I am, why I am a human being on Earth and I am getting very close to who I want to become. Many times my diversions and directions are too many of a passion that I can't finish any of them. But I feel the power of change, that I will take as soon as I complete the 'image me the exact profile and style'.

I already know that I will never be able to feel as much joy from giving in to myself, as from giving in to somebody else. I can buy me anything, absolutely anything I want. One day everything. Is that what makes happiness? Yes, but it works too temporary and every time you achieve more or less the same singular level of joy. I feel this way. When you buy yourself a present it gives you happiness and satisfaction until it grows into 'you want more'. You get more, but it is still the same flash of happiness that comes after. When you buy things or do good for other people, you get double or triple joy, because you satisfy, help and make happy more people than just you. Think about helping thousands or millions of people, you get multiple or UNLIMITED JOY.


August 2009

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