August 3rd, 2009


When I was 8 years old I was going to primary school. After finishing the classes I was running to the music school to play piano and then I had ballet studio in the evening. I remember I couldn’t do my hair for ballet dancing. My mum was working, so I had to go to a neighbor woman to get it done. It had to stay tight on my head the whole day from early morning, because I wouldn’t have time to fix it during the day. The neighbor was very rough with my hair, but I knew there wasn’t other choice. I had this timetable for 3 years.

At 11 I began Riga Choreography School, which included all obligatory secondary, music and ballet schools. I was leaving home at 6:30 am and often coming back at 11pm. All my life was taken by arts. We had classic dancing even on Sundays for 3 hours. This school lasted for 3 years and that was the time of my life. I became an adult. I saw and experienced everything: cruelty, kindness, suffering, ambitions, jealousy, heartbreaking, success, rewards, happiness and much more than that.

One day I got on the bus after school and the mum of my best friend (that time) was there. Suddenly she started to shout on me all possible swearing words in front of all the people in the bus. It was a shock for me, because I was only 12 and I didn’t even know all the words she said and why. I remember this as it happened yesterday. My mum later explained me the reason of this incident. That day there was a concert at school, where I was announced as the best student from the whole group. My friend’s mum got very jealous that her daughter didn’t win the award and decided to get me off the way by harming mentally. It actually worked for her, because it took me a long time to recover and I became very sensitive. However, it was not the hardest time I lived those days. As a parallel I also had millions of paradise moment that I keep in my heart forever. I am always positive and ambitious.

Where do YOU keep your memories?

August 2009

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