PHz superblociņš - Zīmīte sev [bloks|kalendārs|spamparāde|autors]

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Zīmīte sev [2014-11-23|20:00]
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Hmm, interesants viedoklis:
I recommend you just don't visit any sites that use ads. Doing so with AdBlocker makes you nothing more than a common theif.

The world runs on ads. You don't like ads? Forget every magazine you've ever read, because it would cost you $50 a copy if ads didn't exist. Movies would cost $25 to rent and see in the theater. Newspapers would be $10 a copy. And so on. Forget about the internet as you know it. 90% of it would not exist. That included Google. Remember when Hotmail gave you 2MB of email space, then Google came along and opened with 5GB?

Blocking ads is DISGUSTING. I've been using the net and modems for 25 years and NEVER would even consider it. A pop-up blocker... Okay. But blocking general ads?

Guess what, I even occasionally see things I'm interested in. Yea, I'm not a cheapskate. I like to buy things once in awhile.

Vai tiešām viss ir tik atkarīgs no šīs nevienam nevajadzīgās informatīvās mēslu straumes? Jāpadomā.

(bez virsraksta) - (Onanīms)
[User Picture]
Cikos:2014. gada 23. Snovembris plkst. 22:32
OP sounds hurt :)
[User Picture]
Cikos:2014. gada 23. Snovembris plkst. 22:52
Jā, viņam kāds skaudri atgādināja, ka viņš neprot lietot AdBlocku :D