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soul, spirit, švakavka [Apr. 23rd, 2016|11:42 pm]
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kas ir svarīgākais molekulārajā gastronōmijā un visā tai pārējā galantērijā?
enerģijas dispečers.
pavārs pa lielam ir hujņa. tipa, priekšauts vai priekškars, kaukam pvissam 1kāršam. kapiš, kardaš, jan?

gandrīz morisejs
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Date:April 24th, 2016 - 11:29 pm
kungs, mūsu kačegārs jeb alans par enerģijas dispečeru svarīgumu:

"But do you see, this parallels--goes hand in hand with the idea that you govern your own body. That the ego, which lies somewhere between the ears and behind the eyes in the brain, is the governer of the body. And so we can't understand a system of order, a system of life, in which there isn't a governer. 'O Lord, our governor, how excellent is thy name in all the world.'

But supposing, on the contrary, there could be a system which doesn't have a governor. That's what we are supposed to have in this society. We are supposed to be a democracy and a republic. And we are supposed to govern ourselves. As I said, it's so funny that Americans can be politically republican--I don't mean republican in the party sense--and yet religiously monarchial. It's a real strange contradiction.

So what is this universe? Is it a monarchy? Is it a republic? Is it a mechanism? Or an organism? Becuase you see, if it's a mechanism, either it's a mere mechanism, as in the fully automatic model, or else it's a mechanism under the control of a driver. A mechanic. If it's not that, it's an organism, and an organism is a thing that governs itself. In your body there is no boss. You could argue, for example, that the brain is a gadget evolved by the stomach, in order to serve the stomach for the purposes of getting food. Or you can argue that the stomach is a gadget evolved by the brain to feed it and keep it alive. Whose game is this? Is it the brain's game, or the stomach's game? They're mutual. The brain implies the stomach and the stomach implies the brain, and neither of them is the boss.

You know that story about all the limbs of the body. The hand said 'We do all our work,' the feet said 'We do our work,' the mouth said 'We do all the chewing, and here's this lazy stomach who just gets it all and doesn't do a thing. He didn't do any work, so let's go on strike.' And the hands refused to carry, the feet refused to walk, the teeth refused to chew, and said 'Now we're on strike against the stomach.' But after a while, all of them found themselves getting weaker and weaker and weaker, because they didn't realize that the stomach fed them."
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Date:April 25th, 2016 - 08:38 am
hehe, šo es atceros, Ričard!
lieliska dieniņa sanāca.
skat, arī Ethnografix piedalījās:
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Date:April 25th, 2016 - 08:41 am
es šo domāju:
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Date:April 26th, 2016 - 10:04 pm
līdzīgi etno-x effekti pēdējos divus gadus tiek novēroti pastiprināti ... ir nedaudz dīvaini, īpaši nepazīstamu cilvēku kontekstā

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